Craps Machines Rigged

Gambling has always had a tainted history. From rigged Slot Machines, crooked dealer and rigged dice in Craps. Cheating and Craps seem to go hand in hand especially when Hollywood is involved. In real life Cheating at Craps is a little more difficult than in the movies. You are more likely to lose money to chip theft than you are to crooked dice, however there are a certain number of cheating methods that have been effective at the craps table.

You probably already know that claw machines are rigged. So let's Phil Edwards explain exactly how in the above video. For decades, claw machines or cranes have been designed, like most. Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne Hires Hackers to Prove 2020 US Election Was Rigged Patrick Byrne's team of hackers and cyber sleuths would investigate Dominion voting machines and unearth. Question: A member of Craps Forum posted a situation he had observed where a bubble craps machine automatically rerolled when it could not read a result. Another member, who has contended in other threads that the machines are rigged to increase the house advantage, asked if the observed machine rerolls only in circumstances where the perceived result would favor the players, or if it also rerolls in house-favorable situations as well.

Chip Theft - While this doesn't affect the casino directly but it is no less a method of cheating at Craps. Because of the nature of Craps, with the exciting action, the cheering when dice are hot and the comradery when everyone is winning tends to have the affect of letting ones' attention down when it comes to watching your chips on the rail. How chip theft works is that the thief will be at the table and while your attention is elsewhere they will simply reach over a snatch a chip or two from your row. They may also reach out and take your chips after the dealer has paid out all winning bets. This is particularly effective when a player has a number of bets on the table or is new to the game. Unlike other games it is the players responsibility to take their chips and winnings off the table and new craps players tend to forget this fact.
Late Bets - Late bets are bets made after the dice have been rolled and the winning number called out. The cheat will try and sneak their wagers on to a winning spot while the other players are celebrating and creating a distraction. This cheat is a very bold one and easily caught by an observant dealer it is also very hard to get past the cameras watching the action at the craps table.
Loaded 'Gaffed' Dice - Loaded dice are dice that have been modified in a particular fashion to make a specific number turn up more often than it should according to chance. These modifications can including shaving, weighting, magnets and heating. Possibly the most famous craps cheat that every crooked casino in Hollywood has used is the magnetic cheat. In this cheat it's not the casino being taken but it's patrons. A coil is embedded into the table and connected to an electrical source creating an electromagnet. The dice have been altered to have a small piece of metal in the side opposite of the number the casino wants to have show. While the magnet is off the dice function like any dice would and no one would expect anything, but with the flick of a switch the magnet in the table is activated and then the next time the dice land on the table the metal loaded ends have a better than normal chance of landing down causing the desired numbers to show causing losses at the table. While this sounds like a very effective way of cheating and you might think it's being used when you are on a losing streak, you can rest assured that no legitimate casino in the US, Canada or elsewhere is going to try to be using a magnetic table to cheat it's patrons.
There are only two ways crooked dice can enter a Craps game, the first is through a dealer that is working in conjunction with someone to cheat the casino and the other way is by a cheat switching out the dice. This method is particularly difficult as the craps dealer will call 'Dice Down' or 'No Roll' when they loose sight of the dice at anytime. When a dealer looses sight of the dice they will ask for the dice to be returned to them and they will put out a new pair of dice in play. The returned dice are then sent to be checked to see if they are loaded or not. If they are the player who switched them out is picked up and charged, if nothing is wrong then there was no harm done. Switch out the dice requires great slight of hand and a lot of courage, and even with all the security measure in place cheats still try to introduce loaded dice into the game.
Floaters or Floats - These dice unlike loaded dice have actually been made lighter by hollowing out the inside of the dice. The cheater will make the hollow off center to bias the die in the desired way. These dice are called floaters because when placed in a glass of water they will float instead of sinking.
Tappers - These dice are specially made dice with a dumb-bell shaped chamber inside of them. One end of the dumbbell is in the center of the die and the other end is in a corner the cheat wants to favor. One end of the dumbbell chamber is filled with mercury. When the mercury is in the end that is located in the center of the die, the die will be fair and will be undistinguishable from a regular die. But with a tap of the die with the empty dumbbell side down the mercury will move from the center of the die out to the other end thus creating a loaded die. Another form of tapper uses a thin wire and a small weight that is ratcheted to hold it in place until it's been tapped. The weighted die will use rubber bumpers to prevent any noise coming from the die. For obvious reasons tappers have to be in opaque dice. Tappers are rarely used as they can be unreliable.
Weighted Dice - These dice have been loaded by adding extra weight to them. Typically Lead, Gold or Platinum is used to weight dice because there are heavier metals and require less metal to achieve the same weighting. The extra weight is generally placed inside a pip or dot on the dice face and not necessarily in the center of the dice face. The extra weight will cause the die to settle with the weighted face down more often than it should normally. so people assume that the new transparent dice being used can't be weighted this isn't the case. A skilled dice mechanic can make a weighted die pass a visual inspection (a dice that is done poorly can be spotted by having a pip or dot that is deeper than the others).
Shaped Dice - These are dice that have a convex or concave shape to them or that have had one face shaved.
Beveled - These dice have had one or more side(s) that have been shaped to be convex. This will cause them to roll off the convex side onto a flat side.
SuctionRigged - These dice have a side that has been shaped to be concave. This has two effects depending on the table surface and both favor the shooter. On a smooth surface the concave side creates a slight vacuum while on a rough surface the concave surface tends to stick where flat surfaces would continue to roll. These dice favor the side opposite the concave side.
Shaved Dice - These dice have been shaved slightly on one particular side so that they are more rectangle than square. This has the effect of cheating a die with four sides that are shorter and thus have less surface area than the shaved side and it's opposite face. The shaved side and it's opposite face are more likely to show than the four shorter sides. These dice are also known as 'Bricks' or 'Barred' dice however there are specific names for the dice depending on what side has been shaved.
If the 1 or 6 side has been shaved the die is referred to as a 'Six-Ace Flat'. These dice will work against the shooter.
When a pair of dice have had either the 3 or 4 side shaved and the 6 or 1 side shaved this pair is called a 'Flat Passer'
If the 3 or 4 side has been shaved the die is referred to as a 'Flat Passer'. With these sides shaved dice totals of 4, 5, 9 and 10 will happen more often.
Sometimes by altering the edge of a die you can affect the outcome of the roll. Edge modifications can be difficult to spot and it is easy enough to assume that a die with rounded edges must be loaded. This is not the case, if all the sides are the same then the die is fair, if one edge of the die is different then the die is considered loaded. These dice are known as Trip dice. Trip dice will wear with use and will need to be replaced by the cheat.
Cut-Edge - A cut-edge die has one edge that has been shaved at 45 degrees while the other edges have a 60 degree edge. This will affect the roll of the die.
Raised Edge - This die has a lip on one or more sides. These lips increase the surface area of the particular side and also grip the table cloth when rolled.
Razor-Edge - These dice will have different edges making them more effective. One or more edges will be cut with a razor and the other edges will be rounded or turned. This will cause the die to roll on a rounded edge and grab on a razored edge.
Saw-tooth - These dice have had an edge scored with tiny cuts with the goal of having these cuts grab the table and come to rest on a certain number. Unfortunately it is nearly impossible to determine where the bias of these dice is located thus making them worthless to someone trying to cheat.
As with anything there are some less effective methods of cheating. The following examples are those which are fairly ineffective methods of cheating.
Raised Spots - The idea behind this idea is that the pip (or spot) on the dice are actually raised off the surface of the die instead of being level with the surface. When the die is rolled the Raised pip is supposed to encourage the die to roll off that side. This type of loaded dice is strictly used by amateurs as it is less effective than other types of load dice and is easily noticed by anyone that touches the dice.
Capped Dice - A Capped die is one that has been shaved down on one side and then had the shaved off area replaced with a similar looking material but that has a different elastic properties. The goal is to have the dice bounce off the capped side and settle on an uncapped side. The cap when done properly is initially invisible but with use it quickly becomes evident that the die has been doctored. A capped die can be spotted by pressing a fingernail into all sides of a die, the capped side will have some give to it.
Painted Dice - Perhaps painted is not the right term. These dice have had one or more side painted with a clear sticky substance that is activated by moisture. The cheat would activate the sticky substance by blowing on the dice immediately before throwing them. The sticky face will then hopefully stick to the table surface as they roll down the table. While the sticky sides might stick to the table, other things might stick to the face of the dice giving them away.
Slick Dice - These are dice that have been polished on one or more side and roughed up on others. The idea behind this is that the roughed up sides will grip the table and the polished sides will roll more easily. Any advantage gained here is hard to determine because even fair dice will become rough with regular use.
Bristles - These dice have been doctored with a pin that in inserted into the center pip on the five side of a die. The pin protrudes from the die only very slightly and will catch on the table cloth. These dice are easy to spot, are a very old method of cheating at craps and no longer used by cheats today. The term bristles comes from when a single pig or horse hair was used before pins.
Mis-spotted Dice - Normal dice have opposing sides that add up to 7, Mis-spotted dice are dice that have opposing faces that are identical when used as a pair it can be almost impossible not to role a 7 but these are very easy to spot and have become relegated to the realm of jokes and magic tricks. Other names for these dice are tops and bottoms, tops, mis-spots, horses and tees (T's).

Craps rules refer to the different rules, customs, and strategies applying to the popular casino game of craps.

What is Craps?

Follow the shouting, hooting, and hollering in any casino and you won’t find yourself at a poker or blackjack table. That’s where players go to practice their imitation of a house cat, betting on cards with blank expressions and hardly a peep. Instead, you will probably find yourself at the craps table.

The craps table is a volcano of excitement. Players shout at each other, at the dealers, and at Lady Luck, exploding in cheers of excitement over a favorable roll, dissolving into cries of despair over a losing one.

Craps is a casino dice game dating back to early-1800s New Orleans. However, its origins in Europe may run even deeper.

At its heart, craps is a very simple game. A player (the “shooter”) rolls two dice (“shoots craps”) and the shooter and other players bet on the outcome.

Around these basic principles, a whole universe of rules, customs, specialty terms, and forms of “side action” have evolved.

Certain dice rolls are always winners for the shooter, while other rolls are always losers. Side wagers can be staked on whether or not the shooter wins.

A Brief History of Craps

Thrill-seeking Louisiana heir Bernard Xavier Philippe de Marigny de Mandeville returned from a trip abroad in 1807 to his colonial home, where his family had become wealthy in plantation agriculture. While overseas, he had developed a taste for a dice game called Hazard, the roots of which may extend back to the Crusades.

Hazard players select a winning dice outcome of any number between 5 and 9 before betting. De Marigny discovered that 7 was the most likely winning outcome and taught a version to his peers where only 7 was the winning roll.

His peers rewarded his innovation by roundly rejecting the game, considering it boorish. Indignant, De Marigny sought out other “boors” to share his dice-throwing passion.

The game caught on among New Orleans’ lower classes. They called it “shooting crabs,” which eventually morphed into “shooting craps.” The name later acquired a scatological twist when “using the crapper” entered the lexicon thanks to the famous toilet manufacturer Thomas Crapper. Subsequently, losing dice rolls of 2 or 3 came to be known as “craps.”

Today, craps is played informally among friends who bet and play against each other. Especially popular in its origin city of New Orleans, “street craps” is popular because all you need to play is a pair of dice.

It’s also played at low-end, mid-range, and high-end casinos across the world on purpose-built tables, with players betting against the house. Online casinos also offer craps.

What Are the Basic Rules of Craps?

The Craps Table

Craps need not be played on an official craps table. However, casino craps uses a specialized table to keep the wagers organized.

The craps table is divided into side sections, managed by dealers, and a center section, manned by the stickman. The side sections contain areas for each type of bet, including Pass Line, Don’t Pass Line, Come, Don’t Come, Field, and Big-6/Big-8 wagers. Players can lay chips down in the appropriate section to indicate the nature of their bet.

The table is deep-set and surrounded by high bumpers lined with pyramidal rubber, which the dice bounce off when thrown.

The Players

Players encircle the table. Shooting turns pass clockwise (to the left) of each player.

In addition to the shooters, the house fields a team of four:


At least two dealers–who are sometimes called the “dealer on base”–man the table on each side, keeping track of bets, paying out winnings, placing pucks on the “Point” marker when the Point has been established, and placing certain bets for you (e.g. Come or Don’t Come bets).


Also called “stickwoman,” “stickperson,” or “dealer on the stick,” the stickman is the keeper of the dice used in the game. (S)he uses a long stick–sometimes called a “whip” or “mop”–to handle them.


At least one “boxman” (or “boxwoman” or “boxperson”) monitors the whole game, settling disputes and visually confirming fair play on the part of both players and dealers.

The Dice

Casinos maintain tight control of their craps dice, often right from the factory to the table, as they are susceptible to tampering by cheaters.

Once in play, casinos maintain equally tight control, constantly inspecting the dice for damage. As in all casino games, craps yields a predictable edge to the house when you factor in all shoots. Damaged dice produce unpredictable outcomes, and unlike the players, casinos are not betting their financial fortunes on chance.

The stickman inspects the dice after each use, the dice usually being retired after eight hours of gameplay.

Rules for Dice Handling

Certain rules also govern the way dice are handled at a casino craps table. The stickman presents a selection of dice–usually five–from which the player selects two. The stickman then retrieves the unselected dice with the stick; these dice are then not used in gameplay.

Shooters must shake and roll the dice with one hand only, not two hands. For the shoot to be valid, the dice must also hit and bounce off the bumper walls surrounding the inset table.


If a shooter accidentally shoots the dice off the table, the stickman or other casino official inspects them before they can be used again in gameplay.

Stages of the Game

A craps game is played in two main stages, both of which involve the throwing of two dice. The stages are:

The Come Out

This round is to establish a “point” value for the next round. Moving clockwise around the table in turn, players shoot the dice as many times as necessary to establish a “point” value. If, on a Come Out shoot, the dice show a value of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10, that number becomes the shooter’s “point” value for the next round.

If the dice show 7 or 11 on the Come Out shoot, the player automatically wins his/her Pass Line bets but must make another Come Out shoot on the next round to establish a Point value for that round. A winning shoot of 7 or 11 is also called a “Natural.”

If the player shoots 2, 3, or 12, this value is called “crapping out” and the shooter automatically loses his/her Pass Line bets.

Point Throws

In this round, the roll of a natural 7 ends the round. The player must roll his/her point value, i.e. repeat the final result of the last round, to win any Pass Line bets on that shooter. If the shooter rolls a 7 before the point value is hit, the player loses; this is how a player “sevens out.”

Types of Bets

While craps is built on the simple shoot of two dice with only a few possible winning outcomes, many different kinds of wagers can be placed on those outcomes. The most popular craps bets include:

Pass Line

A “Pass Line” bet is basically a bet on a particular shooter to win the shoot. They could do this by rolling a 7 or 11 on the Come Out shoot, or by hitting their point value on the Point shoot before “sevening out.” This is also called “betting right.”

A Pass Line win doubles the money of the bettor. A shooter must make a table-minimum Pass Line bet on him/her self before shooting. Other players can make Pass Line bets on other players’ shoots.

Don’t Pass Line

“Don’t Pass Line” wagers bet against the shooter to win the shoot. They are also called “betting wrong.”

If the targeted shooter rolls a 2, 3, or 12 in the Come Out round, or fails to hit his/her point roll before “sevening out” in the point round, then the “Don’t Pass Line” bettor doubles his/her money.


A “Come” bet is similar to a Pass Line bet and one of the more basic craps bets you can place. The player bets on “Pass Line” outcomes after the initial Come Out shoot has been made and the point value established.

If the shooter rolls a 7 or 11, the Come bettor wins. If the player rolls something other than a 2, 3, 7, 11, or 12, that roll may become the “point” value for the Come bet. Later shoots that hit the point value will double the Come bettor’s money, even if the shooter does not win a Pass Line bet on that shoot.

Don’t Come

Like Don’t Pass Line bets, “Don’t Come” bets are the opposite of Come bets. They bet that the shooter will lose the standards of a Pass Line win on a shoot taking place after the Come Out and the establishment of a point value.

Odds (“Buy/Lay”)

An “Odds” bet is a side bet to the Pass Line or Come bet. A player can “take odds” or “buy odds” when they’ve made a Pass Line or Come bet; they can also “lay odds” when they’ve made a Don’t Pass Line or Don’t Come bet.

Odds bets are typically limited to 2x-3x of the original bet. Payout depends on the likelihood of a particular roll—for example, 2/1 for points 4 and 10; 3/2 for points 2 and 9; 6/5 for points 6 and 8.


A “Place” bet is similar to an Odds bet but does not offer “true odds” the way an Odds bet does. As such, they usually pay out lower. A Place bet can be made whether a Pass Line bet has been made or not.


A “Field” bet is a bet on the outcome of one particular roll of the dice. Less likely outcomes win, while the four most likely outcomes—5, 6, 7, and 8—lose.

A Field bet on a roll pays out 1/1 for rolls 3, 4, 9, 10, and 11. It pays out 2/1 for a roll of 2, and 3/1 for a roll of 12.

Bix Six or Big Eight

At any time, a player can place a bet that a 6 or an 8 will be the outcome of the roll. A “Big 6” or “Big 8” bet doubles the bettor’s money if the dice show the winning number to be 6 or 8.


A player can make a “Proposition” bet at any time, receiving a payout based on the likelihood of the outcome they bet on:

  • “Any Craps.” If the shoot lands on 2, 3, or 12, the bettor reaps 12/1.
  • “Any Seven.” If the shoot lands on 7, the bettor reaps 5/1.
  • “Eleven.” If the shoot lands on 11, the bettor reaps 16/1.
  • “Ace Deuce.” If the shoot lands on 3, the bettor reaps 16/1.
  • “Horn Bet.” If the shoot lands on 2, 3, 11, or 12, the bettor wins a return determined by the number shot.


Hop bets can be placed at any time. A player can wager on any dice outcome they like, down to the number on each die. Not all casinos or tables accept hop bets. Ask in advance, or check for signs indicating that hop bets are forbidden at the table you are playing at.

Craps Machines Rigged Machine


Many combinations of two dice can result in an “8” shoot—2 and 6, 1 and 7, etc. These are called the “easy way.” A “Hard 8”–the hardway of 8–is from a pair of dice, or 4 and 4. Players can bet on a shoot to land on a “Hard 4,” “Hard 6,” “Hard 8,” or “Hard 10” to bet on a matched pair of dice.

(“Hard 2” and “Hard 12” isn’t a thing, since a pair of 1’s and a pair of 6’s is the only way to produce this outcome.)

This long-odds proposition bet is also sometimes called the “sucker’s bet.”

How to Win at Craps

Anyone can get lucky with a big-winning long-odds bet on a single die roll like Hardways or Big 6/Big 8, but it’s unlikely; these risky bets carry house edges over 10%.

Some gamblers swear that with practice, they can “control” the dice in the hand where they shake them and increase their ability to predict the outcome of the shoot. This is unproven and would take so much practice that the potential payout might not be worth your time. It also doesn’t apply to online craps.

Winning gamblers do not try to predict outcomesthey bet in such a way that maximizes the mathematical likelihood of them coming out ahead, while everyone else throws away their money and solidifies the house edge.

By picking a strategic system and sticking to it, you could lose a few shoots and still come out ahead. Just remember—the longer you play, the more the house edge reveals itself.

Some basic rules of thumb:

  • Predicate your next bet based on your last bet, not on a “hunch.” Bet lower if you’re losing, higher if you’re winning.
  • If you want to enjoy a long session at the table without going broke (maybe even coming out ahead), stick to low-house-edge bets like Pass Line, Don’t Pass Line, Come, and Don’t Come.
  • If you want a short session with a chance of a big payoff, indulge in some long-odds bets.
  • Never bet more money than you are willing to lose.

Professional or experienced gamblers stack wagers to increase the likelihood of coming out ahead. Here’s an example of a craps wager stack:

Wager Stack 1:

  1. Pass Line Bet
  2. Single or Double Odds on the Pass Line Bet
  3. Come Bet
  4. Single or Double Odds on the Come Bet
  5. When you win on one of the Come bets, place another immediately.

The odds on various wagers are as follows:

Pass Line Bet

Payout: 1/1

Odds: 251/244

House Edge: 1.41%

Don’t Pass Line Bet

Payout: 1/1

Odds: 976/949

House Edge: 1.36%

Come Bet

Payout: 1/1

Odds: 251/244

House Edge: 1.41%

Don’t Come Bet

Payout: 1/1

Odds: 976/949

House Edge: 1.36%

Buying Odds Bet

Payout: 2/1 on 4, 10; 3/2 on 5, 9; 6/5 on 6, 8

Odds: Same as Payout

House Edge: 0%

Laying Odds bet

Payout: 1/2 against 4, 10; 2/3 against 5, 9; 5/6 against 6, 8

Odds: Same as Payout

House Edge: 0%

Field Bet

Payout: 1/1, except 2 (2/1) and 12 (3/1)

Odds: 5/4

House Edge: 2.78%

Bix Six or Big Eight Bet

Payout: 1/1

Odds: 6/5

House Edge: 9.09%

Proposition Bet

Payout: Varies (7/1 or more)

Odds: Varies (8/1 or more)

House Edge: Over 10%

Craps Machines Rigged Game

Hop Bet

Payout: 15/1

Odds: 17/1

House Edge: 11.11%

Place Bet

Payout: 6/5 on 6, 8; 3/2 on 5, 9; 2/1 on 4, 10

Odds: 7/6 on 6, 8; 7/5 on 5, 9; 9/5 on 4, 10

House Edge: 1.52% on 6, 8; 4% on 5, 9; 6.67% on 4, 10

Hardways Bet

Payout: 30/1 on 2, 12; 7/1 on 4, 10; 9/1 on 6, 8

Odds: 35/1 on 2, 12; 8/1 on 4, 10; 10/1 on 6, 8

House Edge: 13.89% on 2, 12; 11.11% on 4, 10; 9.09% on 6, 8

Common Questions and Answers about Craps

Question: Can you play craps online for money?

Yes, you can … but laws vary. A few states have expressly legalized online gambling and license online casinos. Other states have no specific laws prohibiting it, or they state that online gambling is illegal but set out no penalties for it (making it effectively legal).

Other states prescribe penalties of varying harshness for the crime of online gambling, though it’s unclear how strictly they’re enforced.

Regardless, online casinos will accept deposits by ACH, credit card, mobile wallet, wire transfer, or cash deposit at an affiliated casino, and do accept online wagers on digital craps games.

Bubble Craps Machine Rigged

It is worth noting that state-licensed casinos must comply with oversight rules monitoring the fairness of the games, the protection of sensitive user data such as social security and credit card numbers, and the honoring of withdrawal requests.

The safest and fairest online craps games are probably those offered by the states that license online casinos, including:

  • Delaware
  • Michigan
  • New Jersey
  • Pennsylvania.

States have different laws about whether you have to be physically located within the state (verified by GPS) or a resident of the state in order to gamble legally. You must also be of legal age to gamble in whatever locality you choose. Legal gambling ages vary by state and country.

Online craps games look like video-game versions of a craps table on a mobile or desktop browser. Animated dice may be thrown, but remember that the shoot result is determined by random-number-generating software, not the role of actual dice. In this digital environment, it is even easier for a casino to build in a predictable house edge.

However, state-monitored casinos must adhere to their house edge and not unfairly slant the game or make it unwinnable. This means that within the parameters of the house edge, it is perfectly possible for a player to get a lucky online shoot and win big money.

Question: What is the best bet in craps?

Everyone has to make a Pass Line bet to shoot craps at a casino, and this is actually a pretty good bet, with a house edge of only about 1.41%.

However, a better bet is a Don’t Pass Line bet. With this bet, you are betting with the house, that another player is going to lose money. Don’t Pass Line bets still carry a house edge, but it’s down to 1.31%. Remember, though, to sit at the table and bet, you still have to make a Pass Line bet on your own shoots. You can’t just stand off in the corner and make Don’t Pass Line bets on everyone else!

A Pass Line bet with odds has the lowest house edge in the game.

Hardways bets have the best payouts because they have the longest odds. Place bets are some of the most-likely-to-win bets, but their payout is small.

Again, craps players with longevity devise strategies that mathematically reduce their chances of losing money while increasing their chances of winning money.

Craps Machines Rigged Play

An example wager stack was presented above. Here’s an example of another:

Wager Stack #2:

  1. Once the point is determined, place two equal proposition wagers on 6 and 8 (the most likely outcomes).
  2. When one of the bets hits, come down one unit on each bet, extracting your winnings while leaving short-odds wagers on the table.

Question: How do craps odds work?

Calculating the odds of any particular roll of the dice coming up is fairly straightforward math. It behooves you to know how to do this before you play. The casino has definitely done the math!

The odds of any die roll coming up is calculated by ascertaining the number of possible ways the outcome could be generated, divided by 36 (6 sides on die 1 x 6 sides on die 2).

There are six ways two dice could land on 7. Six divided by 36 equals 1/6. Therefore, the odds of rolling a 7 at any given time would be 1/6.

Conversely, there’s only one way to roll a Hard 10, so the odds of that outcome of a shoot would be 1/36.

The casino builds its “house edge” into the difference between the payout and the actual odds. This is why 1/36 odds pays out 35-to-one, whereas 1/6 odds pay out 5-to-one.

Question: How do you play video craps?

Some casinos offer video craps machines. These games are played in a similar fashion to online and mobile web craps games. You place your bet, with options including Pass Line, Don’t Pass Line, Come, Don’t Come, Odds, and other popular craps bets.

You then press a button and random-number-generator software produces the shoot result, often with a pleasing “dice roll” animation.

Video craps machines in legal casinos can be used to play for money using chip, cash cage, or payment card deposits.

Craps Machines Rigged

Question: How do you play the crap line in craps?

Before the Come Out round, place your desired bet on the Pass Line or Don’t Pass Line section of the craps table.

Remember, when you play the Pass Line, you are betting on the shooter to win the shoot. A Don’t Pass Line bet is a wager that the shooter will lose the shoot.

Question: How do you make an Odds bet in craps?

Once the point is thrown, Odds bets can be placed on any Line bet. Casinos usually allow you to bet:

  • 3x the Line bet on point 4 or 10
  • 4x the Line bet on point 5 or 9
  • 5x the Line bet on point 6 or 8.

Some casinos allow Odds betting of 5x, 10x, 20x, or even 100x of the Line bet on any point value.

Question: Can casinos rig craps?

The main way to cheat at physical craps is to use loaded dice. Casinos could rig a craps table with loaded dice.

Since online and video craps determine the outcomes of their shoots with random-number-generating software, it would also be easy for them to skew the outcome in their favor.

However, casinos have no reason to rig either physical or digital craps games. Their profit is built into the house edge, not into the result of any one shoot.

Moreover, regulated casinos would lose their licenses if inspectors discovered a rigged craps game on the casino floor or an online casino app.


With colonial and potentially medieval roots, craps is one of the most low-tech and purest casino games of chance. You can’t fake or skew the odds on the outcome of a craps shoot—it’s literally a “roll of the dice.” In fact, “crapshoot” has entered the English lexicon as a synonym for an unpredictable outcome.

However, with many bets, side bets, and combinations of odds to choose from, meticulous and mathematically-inclined players have devised multi-step, stacked-bet strategies that can skew in their favor the odds of coming out ahead.

Alternatively, players looking for the thrill of a big win can plunk money they won’t miss on an unlikely outcome and join in the rowdy good fun. Either way, it’s more lively than a sedate blackjack or poker table.


casino crapsCraps Rulesdice gameGame Strategies