Casino Blackjack Table Etiquette

There are some official rules set by the casino itself in terms of dress codes and unruly behaviour, while other unwritten rules are expected of each player to ensure a fair and safe blackjack environment for all. This article details the table etiquette expected to be exercised when playing at the blackjack tables of a land based casino. How to play blackjack. First thing’s first, if you’re not clued up on how to play blackjack, you’re not going to be doing all that much in terms of etiquette, so it’s important to get to grips with the game early on. Blackjack starts with players around the table making bets before any of the other action gets going.

  1. Casino Blackjack Table Etiquette Table
  2. Casino Blackjack Table Etiquette For Dummies
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Having one of the lowest house edges in casino games and a relatively simple ruleset makes blackjack a lucrative game for many players. It is excellent if you want a chance at winning some decent cash, but it is also great if you are looking for a game that you can sink some time into learning how to master.

A blackjack table is a busy environment, and when playing with others, it is important to maintain proper blackjack etiquette. So, here we share with you how to behave at a blackjack table.

  • Looking for the perfect blackjack table in a casino but don’t know how to choose? From the rules of the table and the right kind of table-mates to the best times of day to play, picking the best blackjack table is both a science and an art. No need to pony up the cash for a Batchelor’s in blackjack or a Doctorate in doubling down though.
  • Blackjack etiquette defines customary codes of behavior, politeness, and respect for the blackjack croupier, fellow players, and the casino. Etiquette or decorum, is the proper and polite conduct that is expected of players at the casino. Blackjack is the world’s most popular casino card game.
  • If you happen to come across a blackjack table you’re more inclined to watch rather than join, observe and enjoy the game from a distance to avoid interfering or distracting the participants.

If you follow our recommendations throughout, you will not only have a better chance of making friends with other punters, but you’ll also keep the heat off of you from the casino.

Joining a Blackjack Table

When it comes to finding a seat at a game of blackjack, things might not be as apparent as they seem. The first thing you need to do is to find out whether there is an available seat.

Often players will play multiple hands in blackjack, so, although a seat may appear spare – there won’t be any room on the betting circles at the table.

You can find out by using your eyes or asking someone. If there is a spare and available seat, take a seat but wait until the current round is finished before you try to buy-in. Be aware though, as some tables restrict game entry throughout a deck, and require that you wait until the next deck shuffle.

Placing Your Bet and Handling Your Chips

When you are placing a bet, you do so by placing the necessary chips within the marked area on your betting circle. Once you have placed your bet and the dealer has effectively begun dealing the cards – do not touch your chips.

Further, If your bet includes multiple chip denominations don’t think you are coy and hiding lower denomination chips under a higher-value chip. Always put the highest denomination chip at the bottom of your stack.

Seriously though, that will never fool a dealer.

Handling Your Blackjack Cards

Most games of blackjack are played with cards being dealt face-up. In these games, there is no need to touch your cards as they are all showing. These games do not allow you to touch the cards at all in any event.

However, if you are playing a game of blackjack that deals with face-down cards, then you are permitted to handle your cards. It is proper etiquette only to use one hand when handling and to keep the cards above the table at all times.

How to Use a Blackjack Strategy Card at the Table

There is nothing wrong with using a blackjack strategy card when you are learning how to play blackjack, or need the extra assistance from time-to-time.

Many casinos will often provide one if you need, but you must remember that there are other players at the table. Try not to bring the pace of the game down by spending excessive time consulting your strategy chart.

If you do this, then you will likely frustrate and alienate other players.

Collecting Your Winnings

If you manage to win your hand, the dealer will pay out your winnings by placing the relevant chips next to your wager. Don’t rush to grab your winnings immediately, though.

We get it, it is exciting and feels good to win, but it is better and more socially acceptable to wait until the dealer has finalised all winning bets, as well as collecting all dealt cards for that round.

Leaving a Blackjack Table

Now, we include this one as it can be a sensitive point for many players. While you might think that you can just get up and leave whenever you like (don’t worry, you can), but it’s a little more complicated than that.

If the table that you are playing at is on a hot streak, i.e., everyone is hitting on some wins then you should consider holding out on leaving until the next deck shuffle.

Casino Blackjack Table Etiquette

This is because of superstition and maintaining the hot streak of luck. Many players believe that if you leave a table during a period when it is hot, then you will break the juju of the good run.

At the end of the day, you can do as you please, however, maybe consider asking the other players or simply wait it out.

When you do leave the table, it is a kind gesture to the table to consolidate your chips. This is just like when you ask the cashier at Woolies to exchange a $20 note into smaller change. Instead, you are consolidating your smaller chips for singular larger chips, i.e. swapping five $20 chips for a single $100 chip.

Often the tables need these lower denomination chips, so it’s good practice to reduce the amount you are holding.

Casino Blackjack Table Etiquette Table

Casino Blackjack Table EtiquetteCasino Blackjack Table Etiquette

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Casino Blackjack Table Etiquette For Dummies

If you can think of anything else please let us know in the comments section below. If you would like to test out your skills before entering a real money casino we go into the difference between offline and online dealers here.