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Welcome to our Warlock Soulweaver Guide, updated for mod 17: Undermountain / Uprising and mod 18 Infernal Descent. To learn more about the new mod, check out our mod 18 Infernal Descent guide.
On this page, you will find the best gear and best in slot items for your Demonology Warlock in World of Warcraft Shadowlands 9.0.2. If you were looking for WoW Classic content, please refer to our Classic DPS Warlock gear and best in slot.
Dec 02, 2020 Stat priorities, legendaries, tier set bonuses, trinkets, and recommended best-in-slot items for Destruction Warlocks. Updated for Shadowlands Pre-Patch 9.0.1. The 2 set bonus is pretty much useless, its only good towards Affliction locks(but these are rare in t6 instances). The 4 piece bonus is the best in the game for warlocks. It gives a 6% additional damage bonus to all Shadow Bolts and incinerates. You get over 100 dps increase after obtaining the 4 piece t6 bonus. Best Trinkets(IMO).
For the latest Neverwinter news and events, go to the MMOCULT Neverwinter Hub.

The Warlock class was introduced in Tyranny of Dragons. They are a spellcasting class that uses their dark powers to damage their foes and can also heal themselves and their allies. We recommend that you have a separate DPS Hellbringer DPS loadout. See our Warlock Hellbringer DPS build here.
The purpose of our class guides is not just to show you a build that you can copy and use on your character, but to show you a base build and teach you the mechanics and stats of the game, so you can understand and play your class to its fullest capabilities.
Try different gear, feats,
Basic Warlock Soulweaver Info
Best Warlock Soulweaver Races
- Metallic Ancestry Dragonborn – 3% + Healing – +2 to Any two stats – 1500 Crit – 3% Increased Damage
- Dragonborn – 3% HP + Healing – +2 to Any two stats – 1500 Crit – 3% Increased Damage
- Tiefling – 5% + Damage to targets below 50% health – +2 Cha and +2 Con or Int – 10% to reduce damage of target for 5 sec by 2.5%
- Sun Elf – 2% Action Point Gain – +2 Int and Dex or Cha – 10% Control Resistance
Warlock Soulweaver Ability Score Priority
Put all your available Ability Scores into Constitution and Wisdom.
Warlock Soulweaver Stat / Rating Priority
Offensive Stats:
- Armor Penetration (Caps at 85K)
- Critical Strike (Caps at 85)
- Accuracy (Caps at 85)
- Combat Advantage (Caps at 135k)
- Power (No Cap)
Defensive Stats:
- Defense (Caps at 85K )
- Deflection (Caps at 85K)
- Critical Avoidance (Caps at 90K)
- Awareness (Caps at 95K )
- Health (No Cap)
Warlock Soulweaver Paragon Path Feats & Powers
Warlock Soulweaver Combat Powers
At-Will Powers:
- Essence Defiler
- Dark Spiral Aura
Encounter Powers:
- Pillar of Power
- Shatter Spark
- Warlock’s Bargain
Daily Powers:
- Soul Pact
- Tyrannical Curse / Immolation Spirits
Class Features:
- Warding Curse
- All Consuming Curse
Warlock Soulweaver Feats
- Essence of Power
- Mending Mastery
- Lingering Sustain
- From the Brink
- Spark Energy
Warlock Soulweaver Boons
You should always choose boons based on what stats you currently need. Therefore a selection of several viable boons is available to you for each tier.
At end-game, you should hit the stat caps without needing any of the boons.
Tier 1 Boons
- Recruit’s Training – 250 Power
- Critical Strike – 250 Crit
- Cultist Bulwark – 1000 HP
- Cultist Power – 1% Increased damage and damage resistance vs. Cultists.
Tier 2 Boons
- Squire’s Training – 250 Power
- Armor Penetration – 250 Armor Penetration
- Demonic Bulwark – 1000 HP
- Demonic Mastery – 1% Increased damage and damage resistance vs. demons.
Tier 3 Boons
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- Knight’s Training – 250 Power
- Combat Advantage – 250 Combat Advantage
- Dino Bulwark – 1000 HP
- Simple Support – 2% Companion Influence
- Dino Power – 1% Increased damage and damage resistance vs. dinos.
Tier 4 Boons
- Captain’s Training – 250 Power
- Accuracy – 250 Accuracy
- Necrotic Bulwark – 1000 HP
- Necrotic Mastery – 1% Increased damage and damage resistance vs. undead.
Tier 5 Boons (Choose 2)
- Blessed Touch – 1% Outgoing Healing Per Rank
- Severe Criticism – 1% Crit Per Rank
Master Boons
- Blessed Advantage 3/3 or Blessed Resilience 3/3
Guild Boons
- Offense – Power
- Defense – Hit Points
Warlock Soulweaver Weapons & Gear
If you are new to Neverwinter and need to know how to get better gear and increase your item level, check out our Gearing Up Guide.
The best way to gear up in Neverwinter is by making a lot of Astral Diamonds, check out our Astral Diamond Guide to learn all the secrets of AD farming.
- Lion’s Guard Mystic Cowl (Best in Slot)
- Protege’s Charmed Hat
- Broken Cap of the Omnipotent
- Ebony Stained Robes (Best in Slot)
- Lion’s Guard Wristguards
- Vivified Primal Raid Shabas
- Rusted Iron Leggings (Best in Slot)
- Tempter of the Twilight Gaiters
- Root Stompers
- Lionheart Set (Best in Slot)
- Alabaster / Burnished Set
Main Hand Modification:
Offhand Modification:
- Guiding Ring of the Sharp-shooter
- Gold-Plated Ring
Neck & Waist
- Mad Mage Set
- Infernal Forged Assault Shirt

- Pants of the Sentinel
- Protégé’s Raid/Ward Trousers
- Velvet Trousers +1
Warlock Soulweaver Artifacts
Primary Artifact
- Envenomed Storyteller’s Journal
- Wyvern-Venom Coated Knives
- Staff of Flowers
Secondary Artifacts
Choose secondary artifacts based on the stats you are lacking.
Arcturia’s Music Box- Trobriands Ring
- Staff of Flowers
- Halaster’s Blast Scepter
Warlock Soulweaver Enchantments
When getting enchantments, always get the ones with the stats you are lacking in with your gear, boons, etc in mind. For example, if you’ve capped Crit with your gear and boons, don’t get azure enchantments for your offense slots. If you still need to refine your enchantments, see our Refinement Guide for tips on how to farm refinement.
Offense Enchantments
One Tenebrous Enchantment – Radiant Enchantments
Defense Enchantments
Radiant Enchantment
Utility Enchantments
- Tactical Enchantment
- Dark Enchantment
- Fey’s Blessing / Dragon’s Hoard / Quartermaster’s Enchantment
Armor Enchantments
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Barkshield Enchantment – Soulforged Enchantment
Weapon Enchantments
Vorpal Enchantment
Overload Enchantments
- White Dragon Glyph
- Various Marks from Stronghold Vendor
- Corrupt Black Ice / Lethal / Piercing
Armor Reinforcement Kits
Power Kit
Jewelry Reinforcement Kits
Combat Advantage Jewel
Warlock Soulweaver Consumables & Buffs
Consider getting VIP for the Power of VIP HP buff if you aren’t already. Also always stand in campfires to get the +1 ability campfire buff.
Get one from each of the rows below:
- Empowered Chain of Scales (Best in Slot) > Adorable Pocket Pet > Tymora’s Lucky Coin
- Wild Storm Elixir > Elixir of Fate
- Watermelon Sorbet
Warlock Soulweaver Companions
Summoned Companion
Bulette Pup
Enchantment Power
Potent Precision
Companion Powers
Below is a selection of viable companion powers.
Offense Powers
- Quickling – 10% Outgoing Healing and 2000 Critical Strike
- Neverember Guard – 10% Outgoing Healing and 2000 Awareness
- Tamed Velociraptor – 2000 Power per party member using it.
- Deepcrow Hatchling – 8000 Power
Defense Powers
- Polar Bear Cub – 10% Outgoing Healing and 2000 Defense
- Rebel Mercenary – 10% Outgoing Healing and 2000 Accuracy
- Ioun Stone of Radiance – 10% Outgoing Healing and 2000 Deflection
- Minstrel – 4000 Power and 2000 Awereness
- Broom – 4% Critical Severity
- Splinters – 4% Critical Severity and 2000 Critical Avoidance
Utility Powers
- Alpha Compy – 5% Power
- Owlbear Cub – 10% chance to hit for 50% of you Power
Companion Equipment
Double offense slotted “Of the Companion” gear
Companion Runestones
Empowered Runestone
Warlock Soulweaver Mounts
When choosing a Legendary Mount for the Mount Powers, look for a mount that has both a useful equip and combat power. The best choices for a first legendary mount as a Warlock Soulweaver is a Swarm or a Tenser’s Floating Disk.
What other mounts you use is not that important. What is important is to get the right insignia bonuses, and many different mounts can offer the various bonuses. To find out what mount has the bonus you want, check out our Insignia Bonus Guide.
All classes and specs should consider using Wanderer’s Fortune before you have refined all your gear and enchantments, for extra refinement every day.
Mount Insignia Bonuses
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- Gladiator’s Guile
- Barbarian’s Revelry
- Shepherd’s Devotion
Insignia Type
Brutality / Dominance for Power, or alternatively any other with stats you need. You can also use Insignia’s to get your defensive stats to cap for survivability.
Warlock Soulweaver Mount Powers
Mount Equip Power:
5000 or 10000 Power
Mount Combat Power:
Bat Swarm (Swarm) (Best in Slot) > Tenser’s Transformation
If you have any questions or suggestions about our Neverwinter Warlock Soulweaver guide, please leave a comment below! More info about the Warlock class can be found at The Neverwinter Reddit. More builds and further info can also be found at MMOMinds.
For the latest Neverwinter news, go to the MMOCULT Neverwinter Hub.
Last updated on October 10th, 2020
In this Baldur’s Gate 3 Build Guide I’m going to be covering my Warlock Build for Early Access, and showing you what I’ve found to work best. I’ll be doing more Build Guides at the launch of Baldur’s Gate 3, but for now, let’s look at how you can use a Warlock effectively in the first Act of the game.
Baldur’s Gate 3 Build Guides: Warlock
Warlocks in Baldur’s Gate 3 Early Access are extremely powerful because of their Cantrip Eldritch Blast that does between 1-10 damage every use from 18m away, and Cantrips can be cast every turn without using up Spell Slots. Additionally, they have some very good spells that deal AoE damage, and they can use Misty Step once they reach Level 3.
Misty Step allows them to teleport to a location they can see, allowing they to get high up easily where they have Advantage when using Eldritch Blast. Advantage, means they can roll 2 D20s when attacking, and use the higher of the two values for their role. This increases their Hit chance significantly, so they should always look to get up high at the beginning of combat if they can, much like Rangers and Mages try to do in Divinity: Original Sin II.
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Warlock Character Creation
In this section we’ll take a look at how to setup your Warlock during Character Creation for the best results. You don’t have to follow this to the letter, and it’s likely this will change at full launch of the game. However, this will hold you in good stead during Early Access.
What Background you choose isn’t of serious importance here, so you are free to pick and choose what you like. The only exceptions are that you should not choose any Backgrounds with Intimidation, Persuasion or Deception. This sounds completely counter intuitive because all these things benefit from Charisma, which is the Warlock’s Spell Casting Ability Modifier (the stat that effects its spells’ accuracy and DC). However, you can select Intimidation when you get to the Skills section, and you’ll gain Persuasion and Deception at level 2 by taking the Beguiling Influence passive. This will allow you to gain other Skill Proficiencies from your Background, which you can use for other Skill Checks through out Early Access.
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The Races I suggest using when making a Warlock are: Half-Elf, Asmodeus Tiefling, or Drow. Half-Elves and Tieflings will allow you get to 17 Charisma during Character Creation, however you only need to get to 16 for Early Access. This is because you will gain the opportunity only once to gain additional Ability Points (at Level 4) during Early Access, and you don’t get an improvement in Ability Modifier at odd numbers. You’ll be aiming to get to 18 at Level 4, and this will give you +4 to your Eldritch Blast hit rolls, as well improve the difficulty it is to save against your spells.
Half-Elf will allow you to get to 17 Charisma, and place 2 other Ability Points, which is great. They also have Darkvision, allowing them to see better in dark places, improving your accuracy in combat and helping you locate things.
Asmodeus Tiefling (besides Darkvision) also has the added benefit of the Thaumaturgy Cantrip, which gives you Advantage on Intimidation checks if you use it before trying to Intimidate people, which is extremely useful. Particularly because you will have a bonus of +5 to these rolls from the very beginning of the game.
Drow will allow you to get to 16 Charisma, and have the added benefit of Superior Dark Vision, allowing them to see twice as far in the Dark as either Half-Elf or Tiefling. This means your accuracy in dark locations will be even better in these places than Half-Elf and Asmodeus Tiefling on average, but the choice is up to you.
Obviously we are choosing Warlock here, but which Subclass is really what we’re deciding, since this must be done during Character Creation for Warlocks. You get to choose from The Fiend and The Great Old One so far in Early Access, and really the choice comes down to whether or not the you want to have Dark One’s Blessing or Tasha’s Hideous Laugher and Dissonant Whispers.
Dark One’s Blessing gives you temporary hit points equal to your Charisma Modifier + your Level when you kill an enemy. While Tasha’s Hideous Laughter and Dissonant Whispers can incapacitate targets, making them forgo their turn, which can be extremely valuable in fights where there are tough enemies. Dissonant Whispers even deals a good chunk of damage as well, it’s really your call here, and you can use whichever you feel is best.
Whatever you do though, make sure you take Eldritch Blast for one of your Cantrips, because as I’ve mentioned it’s going to be your primary attack every round. Another great Cantrip to take alongside it is Friends, as this allows you to gain Advantage on Charisma check rolls against non-hostile targets. Cast it on them before entering dialogue (if you can), and you should be able to get the desired rolls you want more often than not.
If you chose The Fiend then make sure one of your Spells chosen is Hex, because it allows you to increase your damage when using Eldritch Blast against the target and it’s a Bonus Action, meaning you can use it and then use Eldritch Blast in the same round. Just remember to save Hex for tough enemies, as it uses a Spell Slot, so you’ll have to rest to get these back. If you chose The Great Old One, you can take Hex at level 2 and use Tasha’s Hideous Laugher and Dissonant Whispers at Level 1.
For Skills you want to take Intimidation and any other Skill you wish. It doesn’t matter which you take here, so this one again is completely up to you.
When it comes to Ability Points you want to make sure that you are at least at 16 in Charisma so that you gain a +3 Ability Modifier. Other points should be spread between Constitution, Dexterity, and Intelligence. Intelligence, although not useful in combat, encompasses a large number of Skills. And if Warlock is your player character then it is wise to have a few points here to help with dialogues and interactions.
Remember that at level 4 you will gain 2 Ability Points, and these should both go into Charisma if it’s at 16 during Character Creation, so be sure to make Dexterity, Constitution and Intelligence even numbers so that you don’t waste Ability Points. 14 Dex, 14 Con, 14 Int is not a bad spread here. If you take Charisma to 17 then at Level 4 you can bump Charisma just 1 point and place the remaining point into any other Ability.
Warlock Level 2
At Level 2 you’ll gain access to some Eldritch Invocations that will allow you to further customize your character. Of these the most important one to take is Agonizing Blast, which adds your Charisma Modifier to the damage of your Eldritch Blast Cantrip. This will be +3 damage until level 4, at which point it will become +4 when you increase Charisma to 18.
The other Eldritch Invocation we’ll take is Beguiling Influence in order to gain Proficiency in Persuasion and Deception. This means at level 2 you’ll gain +5 to your rolls when trying to Persuade, Deceive, or Intimidate in dialogue, really helping you get those outcomes you want. Make sure to use this character when going into the majority of dialogues for best results.
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If you haven’t taken Hex yet, be sure to do so here, otherwise any other Spell will do if you already have it. Read their descriptions and see what they do. I tend to avoid defensive spells, and focus on offensive ones that AoE.
Warlock Level 3
At Warlock Level 3 in Early Access you gain Pact of the Chain, which allows you to summon a Familiar to assist you in combat. So make sure you start casting this out of combat so it can help you defeat enemies when fighting. Additionally, you’ll gain access to some Level 2 spells, and you can pick 1 to use. I personally like Misty Step (as I mentioned before), but you can take whatever you wish here. Hold Person is a great way to remove an enemy from a fight, and Invisibility can be used in a number of creative ways in or out of combat.
Warlock Level 4
At Warlock Level 4 you will place points into your Abilities, making sure you reach 18 in Charisma. This will increase the bonus to your Persuade, Intimidate and Deception checks by +1, as well as adding +1 to your Eldritch Blast rolls, and +1 to your Eldritch Blast damage. It is hands down the best thing you can do at this level in Early Access.
You’ll get to take another spell here as well, so if you didn’t take Misty Step at Level 3, take it now. Or choose from one of the others I suggested, or whichever one you think fits best to you.
As far as Equipment goes for this Warlock Build you don’t need to worry about Weapons at all, since you’ll be casting spells 95% of the time. Weapons are only used when you are in melee range and you can’t move away without taking damage. If you do, however, need to use a Weapon make sure it’s one you are Proficient with.
You’ll be using Light Armor so you want to look out for Leather Armor +1 or Studded Leather Armor if you can. This will ensure that you have at least 14 AC, which is not terrible at all. You can use any Accessories you find, but I have not found any yet that would improve upon this Build much yet.
Final Tips
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Always aim to get up high during combat on the first turn if you can in order to gain Advantage on your Eldritch Blast Cantrip. This will increase your Hit chance, and is vital to success in many of the more challenging fights. Use Misty Step once you have it if you need to, and don’t be afraid to jump if you don’t have it yet.
Warlocks have the disadvantage that they will max out at 2 spell casts before they need to rest in Early Access, which is not as much as other spells casters. However, they do recover all uses on a Short Rest. Take advantage of this, and remember to use your Short Rest when you don’t need to go to Camp.
Lastly, if you are using Wyll for your Warlock then you you’ll want to make sure you put both Ability Points into Charisma at level 4, in order to reach that +4 Modifier. Also, it’s a great idea to have him initiate dialogues when possible, because he will gain all the benefits that you would if you were a Warlock.
Stay tuned for more Baldur’s Gate 3 content on this channel, including Build Guides, with Eldritch Knight coming up next. Be sure to drop by our Twitch Channel if you have questions about the game, and check out the BG3 Wiki if you’re looking for something specific.